Sunday, March 18, 2007

Student Loan Consolidation - Save Money, Pay Less and Spend More

by Michael

Save Money, Pay Less and Spend More on.

What do you want? Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, if you'll spend a few minutes for learning about student loan consolidation, you'll soon be armed with enough information to make some really good decisions begin loaning for learning and help you achieve all of the above, and more.

Student loans are available to students and parents in need of help with living costs while studying and working on a degree program. For many students, student loans are their largest source of cash and income in some cases, their only source. What often happens, is students acquire multiple student loans, then begin to have cash flow problems, which leads to charges on one or more credit cards. These credit cards are typically issued with very high interest rates, often 20% or higher this case. This is a severely problematic financial trap and a very tough way to get started in life for a young person who is still in school or just about to graduate.

So, how does student loan consolidation work anyway? Well, unfortunately, too many students leave college with debt that weighs them down heavily, burdening their lives with debt that will haunt them for many years to come. More often than not, students accumulate multiple loans from various lenders. This leads to multiple payments each month and often several loans with unfavorably high interest rates.

Loan consolidation allows for students to combine multipleloans into a single instrument, one loan from a single lender. In effect, this is like refinancing a mortgage, credit card or other debt consolidation - multiple debts reduced to one. The balances of the multiple loans are paid off by the loan consolidation lender and voila' - a single loan payment at a more favorable interest rate.

Translation: lower monthly payments, less overhead costs for the borrowed money and more immediate cash flow to spend on more important items today.

A student should seriously evaluate consolidating loans if the consolidated loan would result in a lower interest rate that the current student loans, especially if the student is struggling to make multiple student loan repayments.

Often times, the merged loan includes a more flexible set of repayment options, plus no charges, fees or prepay penalty. In some cases, there may even be no pesky credit checks, loan collaterals or cosigners involved.

Student loan consolidation can reduce payments up to 60 percent of amount saved will depend upon the existing loan interest rates). The other factor is the term of the loans. Typical loans are for a 10 year term. When consolidating student loans, its possible to refinance for up to 30 years (like a home mortgage). It's important that there be no prepayment penalties, since the student will likely want to pay these loans off much sooner, once their earning power is improved after graduating and progressing in a career that pays reasonably well. Of course, the longer the loan period, the higher the interest rate, and lower the initial payments, which frees up precious cash flow when it's needed most - while the student is in school.

So, if a student has multiple loans, typically in excess of $7,800 total, there are many benefits of looking seriously at a student consolidation loan. It's a great way to free up cash flow, pay less cost each month and save your money while in school.

About the Author:

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Negotiate Your Student Loan Debt

by Cory Taylor

Negotiate Your Student Loan Debt

Outstanding student loan debt is a major problem for many graduates. It is possible to negotiate with your creditors and possibly reduce or even eliminate your student loan debt. If you're not up to the negotiations yourself, you can hire a company to negotiate with creditors on your behalf. However, if you fully intend and have the ability to pay your debt, it's usually better to contact your creditors yourself. If you reach the stage where you can't keep up with the repayments, it's vital that you contact your creditors as soon as possible and explain your situation.

It will help your situation greatly if you manage to contact your creditors before they contact you. Professional debt negotiating programs offer plans, similar to debt consolidation services: They negotiate with your creditors provided you have saved the minimum balance to settle the debt. Before signing on with a debt negotiation or consolidation service, you might want to check and ensure your creditors are willing to work with the agency you plan to choose. Consider using agencies that offer actual counseling and education, instead of simply enrolling all clients in a debt management program.

Debt negotiation is a process where you negotiate with your creditors to pay off your debts at a reduced amount - for example, if your student loan was for $16,000, you can negotiate a payoff of $7,500. Creditors will report accounts that have been reduced, and it will stay on your credit history for seven years. Note that creditors have no requirement to negotiate with you or a debt negotiation company and that they will often play "hard-ball" at the beginning of the negotiation process.

The very fact that you have appointed a debt negotiator on your behalf is a sign that you are a bad risk. Most creditors will settle for cash now as opposed to the balance over the next 10 years or so. Beware of debt elimination scams that insist consumers are not under obligation to repay their debts because creditors charge illegal interest rates. This is simply not true.

No matter what the state of your finances, there are positive solutions for both you and your creditors. Explain to them right up front what your situation is and how you believe that things can be worked out so that everyone will benefit.

By aggressively taking matters into your own hands, your creditors will know that you mean business and are motivated to seek remedy. Yes, asking your creditors to simply forgive some of your debt is always one option and is a good starting point when negotiating your student loan. Don't expect your creditors to roll-over, however! But it does show them that you expect some action.

Consolidation versus Forgiveness

Debt consolidation is the better of the two when it comes to influencing your credit score. If you choose a debt consolidation company, your creditors may report delayed payment. When searching for a debt negotiation company, one of the best places to start is with debt consolidation lenders.

While credit counseling and debt consolidation are both pretty straightforward services, many people have trouble understanding the difference between debt negotiation and debt management. Many debt consolidation lenders provide detailed information about student loan debt, student loan debt consolidation and more.

Your financial situation may allow you to take out a debt consolidation loan. A debt consolidation loan helps manage your debt because the loan is usually over a longer period of time and possibly at a lower interest rate than your existing debt. It is a more aggressive approach to getting out of debt than making minimum payments, using credit counseling, or trying to negotiate with your creditors. If possible, consider borrowing from a friend or relative as the interest paid can be far less than from a financial institution. Please know however, that a debt consolidation loan is nothing more than a way of putting off the evitable: The loan will evenually have to be paid off.

When your monthly bills become too much for you to handle, it makes sense to use debt consolidation or debt negotiation for solving debt and credit problems. If bills and other heavy payments are bogging you down, take action sooner than later to find solutions to your problem. Continued financial stress and burden can ruin everything in it's path, not to mention permanently damaging your credit. If a student loan is at the heart of the problem, debt negotiation and/or consolidation can help you get back on track and out of debt.
About the Author:
Cory Taylor is a financial services expert and a contributing editor for

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Look these gift in the mouth of Student Loan Consolidation

by Freddy

Student loans? Who needs them? Take charge of your money for the rest of your life.

Part I Avoid student loan consolidation by avoiding debt Part II Student loan consolidation has big benefits for losers And part III Idea beats student loan consolidation and creates a winning mindset.

You'll never need student loans with these ideas from...

1. Grants - Supreme way to avoid student loans

A grant is a gift of money that you don't have to repay. Isn't a $50000 grant better than taking out student loans every year for four or five years? There is a club that keeps its members abreast of grants that they might use. You can avoid student loans. These grants aren't confined to education so you aren't confined to avoiding student loans. If you get a grant, save actively to build a nest egg and the right mindset.

2. Part Time Earning

There are lots of ways for you to work your way through college. What I like is that they encourage an aggressive "go and get it" mindset. Student loans encourage the "wait for it to come to me" mindset. I have details of how a teenage girl made a profitable website. She'll never need student loans! One girl runs dogs. That's right, she runs for half an hour with 4 dogs that need lots of exercise, then picks up the next 4 dogs. Don't lose sight of your target. You want to avoid student loans, not impress your friends with how much you can spend.

3. Economising

I had a grant for University. Fellow students complained their student loans or college grants were too small. I saved money from the grant by economising.

A dollar saved is four dollars earned. You pay back about twice as much as you borrow, with money from which the IRS has stolen 50%. So each dollar you save avoids earning four.

You can economise on these and have better health. Such as...

3.1 Food

Learn to cook. You're at the mercy of food suppliers until you can cook. One student got into the news because student loans only covered tinned dog-food for him to eat. That's too expensive! I'm cooking my own food and eating well on about$17 per week.

3.2 Lodgings

I can only suggest that you shop around. Remember that $20 saved per week is $1000 saved from your student loans each year even without interest payments.

3.3 Health

The damage you do to your body adds up over your lifetime, so it's a good idea to stay healthy. What has that to do with student loans? It turns out that fast food is bad for your health, and so are most processed foods, and cooking your own food means that you can avoid trans-fatty acids, sugar, and all the other things that cause obesity. Curry, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, brazil nuts, and cabbage among other things fight cancer. And they all make less demands on student loans.

3.4 Transport

Make enquiries. How much would you save from your student loans by buying a bike instead of a car? Would public transport be better? Would walking or running for exercise be even better? How much would it cramp your style for dating? Remember, buying a car with a student loan involves not only repayments, but fuel and oil, repairs, licensing, and depreciation. I travelled 2 hrs/day on my pushbike getting exercise and no college loans.

3.5 Social Life

Look for free pastimes. If your friends aren't interested in ways to avoid college loans perhaps you have the wrong friends. If you finish study at 25 and work till 60 that gives you a working life of 35 years. So a 25 year student loan takes a big chunk out of your life, even if you are never unemployed. And that's before you take out a mortgage!

Other ways to economise

Buy second-hand whenever possible - even your textbooks. Clothes from the Salvation Army are cheap. Use eBay, but don't buy anything you don't need. My first boss said I'd furnished my house for less than he spent on his bedroom.

Negotiate - Important for second hand, even more for new goods. When you go in to buy a new fridge, the attendant waits to see if you're stupid enough to pay the price tag, or ask for a discount.

Remember a dollar saved is four dollars in student loans that you won't have to pay back.
About the Author: Student Loaning and Homeschools

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Understanding Student Loan Consolidation

by Antonio Vargas

People take loans, meet their needs and repay the loaned amount in time. However sometimes situation becomes different. After taking loan people fail to pay back within proper time frame. It leads them to debts and ever increasing anxieties. Thanks to debt consolidation loans, which are now helping people to remove their debts and forget all such anxieties. These loans are open for all. Even a student can also opt for such loans in the form of student loan consolidation.

Student loan consolidation helps a student to pay off his or her multiple debts into one single loan. To make it more simple it gathers all the outstanding debts of student from multiple lenders and merge all these debts into one single loan.

With student loan consolidation, a student can enjoy a stress less education far away from the strain of debts. Student loan consolidation helps borrower to lower their monthly payments. Moreover he or she needs to pay a lower rate of interest. Add to this they get the chance of easy repayment option with no extra fees, penalties etc.

Bad credit score is not a bar while opting for student loan consolidation. This loan is open for all and even gives bad credit holders a chance to improve their credit score.

You can opt for student loan consolidation from banks or any loan lending organization. But if you want to apply for these loans quickly and with a better service, go for online method. It helps you to meet innumerable trusted lenders of the online loan market. They offer free loan quotations and attractive loan terms. Just by applying your own mind, you can select the best lender for you with the best offer.
About the Author:
Antonio Vargas has been associated with Student Loan Debt Consolidation. His articles provide you useful knowledge to find the right financial product at the right price. To find student loan debt consolidation, student loan consolidation, student debt consolidation loans, debt consolidation loan student visit

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Consolidating Student Loans Can Help Reduce Your Debt

by Rob Hickey

Consolidating student loans is a savings option available through lending companies to assist graduating students when they leave college. This is done through one combined loan with an extended payment schedule which results in a smaller monthly payment. Would this benefit you? If you are like most students, you had to take out numerous loans for college, each with its own interest rate and its own monthly payment. It didn't matter at the time because you needed to finish up school and get the tuition bills paid. Now that its time to start repaying those loans, its understandable that you may be getting frustrated and confused over not only managing those different loans but having to make the monthly payments. It's a good idea to consider consolidating your student loans as it can really help you ease the financial burden, and give you some peace of mind.


Do your research when investigating lenders. Don't assume all lenders are created equal. Its unfortunate but not all consolidation companies on the block are genuine. Just like you did in college, you need to make sure you do your homework and find a credible lending institution.

Consolidate your federal and private loans separately

Many times graduates in haste will try to consolidate all their federal and private student loans into one. This can cause you to lose some of your federal loan benefits. One example is if you combine both private and federal loans you can lose out on the interest tax deduction benefit you get with your federal student loans. You'll need to be careful as there are many benefits to keeping these loans separate, especially when consolidating.

Extended payments

When consolidating student loans, lenders can extend the payment schedule to 10, 20 or 30 years. Be aware that you are mainly getting the benefit of a lower monthly payment because the payments have been extended and not necessarily because of the lower interest rate. The way to make this work to your benefit is, once you have obtained the lower interest rate, pay more towards the monthly bill. This way you will pay off your loan faster than normal and at a lower rate. Keep in mind that you should only put more towards paying it off when you can afford it.

While comparing and choosing the best lender, try to consider those who offer flexible application procedures. The lenders that offer online applications including online account management facilities give you the flexibility to manage your accounts from virtually anywhere. Whether you simply want the ease of paying one monthly bill or you want to lower your interest rate and monthly payment, consolidating student loans can help to reduce your debt.
About the Author:
For more resources to help you with consolidating student loans, visit

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Plan Your Education with Student Loan Services

by Julia Russell

Knowledge is power and holds special significance in every aspect of life. And every thing comes for a price. You may be making savings for a long time for your child's learning, but, when the proposed time came, the cost of your preferable course must have risen to a considerable extent. You may not even afford it. What will you do in such situation, whom to ask for help? Well a viable option will be applying for student loan services. But, before opting for any kind of loan, you need to be completely aware of the terms and conditions of that particular loan amount.

There are a large number of lenders offering student loan services at nominal rates. All you need to do is search well through various online sources and crack the best deal. For student loan services, you can easily qualify for lower rate of interest, longer repayment term, and flexible terms and conditions.

As inferred by its very name, student loan services are meant for students to fund their education. These are most flexible in terms of repayment of the loan amount. You do not have to worry about the repayment schedule of the loan amount. These loans will give you enough time to complete your qualification, take up some job and then only repay the loan amount. Search well; with proper search you may student loan services, which may cover all your expenses including books, computer, hostel fees etc.

Search through various online sources. There you will find a large number of lenders at a single place. Compare and contrast the various quotes of student loan services, offered by the different lenders. It is advised to always borrow up to a limit, which you require and can repay easily. You can also engage in some part time job to trim down the burden of student loan services.

About the Author:
Julia Russell works as an executive in financial department for Poor Credit Car Loan. She has a lot of experience in finance field. To gain more information about student loans, student loan services,student loan online, college student loans, student refinance loans, direct student loans visit

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Study Abroad Programs Covered by NextStudent PLUS Loans

by Jeff Mictabor

In this day and age of international business that knows no borders and foreign relations that demand at least a familiarity with foreign cultures, many students are seeking to expand their perspectives through studying abroad. No longer content with a singular understanding of the world, a large number of college graduates are rounding out their college experience by immersing themselves in a foreign learning experience.

The Federal PLUS Loan (Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students) is a little-known but wise method for covering the costs of study abroad programs, according to NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company. The reason PLUS Loans are such a great choice for study abroad students is because it is available year-round, and just about everyone is eligible since it is not need-based. The major stipulation is that borrowers must have completed their FAFSA in order to qualify for a PLUS Loan.

Streamlined Application Process for PLUS Loans

Applying online for a NextStudent PLUS Loan is a simple, easy procedure. When parents contact NextStudent, they are assigned their own personal Education Finance Advisor who will guide them step-by-step through the student loan process, from start to finish. Borrowers usually know within minutes if they are qualified and may consolidate multiple PLUS Loans, even if they are from different students. In order to qualify for the Federal Student Loan Consolidation Program, all PLUS Loans must have been disbursed through one parent's Social Security number. Since there is no grace period for Federal PLUS Loans, repayment begins after 60 days of loan disbursement.

Parents may apply for PLUS Loans even if they already have taken care of all other education expenses for the year, including tuition. As long as the study abroad program is sponsored by an accredited college in the United States, they may use PLUS loan funds for this purpose. The federal government funds these student loans, and NextStudent offers distinguishing benefits and incentives to parents.

Enticing Incentives for PLUS Loan Borrowers

In order to take advantage of significant savings, parents may opt for several benefits. If they choose to pay via Auto-Debit, they will receive an automatic .25 percent reduction in interest. Once they make 12 months of consecutive on-time payments, they will receive a 3 percent cash rebate on the remaining principal balance of their student loan. If they continue to keep their payments current, after 48 months of consecutive on-time payments, they will receive a 2 percent interest rate reduction.

PLUS Loans Makes It Possible

Whatever a student's background, studying abroad can be the opportunity of a lifetime. Not the extended international vacation that many students perceive it to be, studying abroad can be a challenging endeavor that encompasses learning a foreign language, immersing oneself in a different culture and surviving in a foreign environment. Contrary to popular belief, funding the experience does not have to be from cash savings, but may be covered by the Federal PLUS Loan through NextStudent.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about student loans and student loan consolidation at

About the Author:
Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Student Loans For Those With Bad Credit

by Joseph Kenny

When it comes time for you to start college, you really do not want your bad credit to get in the way. The good news, too, is that it does not have to. You still have access to a number of loans - and at reasonable rates. Here is some information to tell you about what kind of student loans are available to you.

One thing that should help you to relax some is that a number of available college loans from the government do not even look at your credit rating. They tend to make the assumption that applicants are fresh out of high school and have not had any time to even think about their credit rating - let alone build a decent one. One of these is the Stafford loan, which allows anyone to apply.

The Stafford loans come in two different types - subsidized and unsubsidized. The subsidized version of this loan is based entirely on the need the student has for that year. If you get the loan, you must also apply each year that you need the benefits. One nice thing about this loan is that it pays your interest while you are in school. The unsubsidized version is available to any student - regardless of your need.

Another Federal loan that does not require good credit is the Perkins loan. This loan is made available to students through their entire college years. It can be provide amounts up to $4,000 per year, for a total of $20,000.

Both of these loan programs should be looked at before you look anywhere else. When it comes to interest, any Federal loan program will be lower than anywhere else. This means it will provide you with the most savings over the years that it will take to pay it back.

One school loan that could also help you to subsidize that education, even if you have bad credit, is an OSL loan. These private loans are more expensive than the Federal schools loans, but remain less expensive than your more standard traditional personal loans. They are not backed by the Government, but at the same time, will give a higher percentage toward your education goals than the Federal loans.

Another way to get a loan for your education, even though you have bad credit, is to get a PLUS program. This loan actually needs to be made by the parents of the student. Since the student is not actually applying, the basis of the interest rating will be on that of the parents and not on the bad credit of the student.

Other loans are available to those with bad credit. Some of these will apply to the special field of education, such as medical, etc., which can be obtained as personal loans. When it comes to getting any other kind of loan, other than Federal, be sure to do some comparing to see which one is the best. In many cases, it will be necessary to get loans from different sources in order to complete your education.

About the Author:Joe Kenny writes for the Select Loans, offering views on unsecured loan applications, visit his new site today for some great UK loans for a any reason. Visit today:

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Obtaining A Debt Consolidation Loan To Deal With Your Student Loans

by Thomas Erikson

In this day and age, many young men and women are beginning their careers carrying a tremendous debt load. Students have been forced to obtain significant amounts of financing in the form of student loans in recent years. If you are such a person, you may be interested in finding a method through which you can bring your student loans under control. You might want to consider a debt consolidation loan to deal with your student loans and other outstanding debts. There are many benefits to be realized through a debt consolidation loan when it comes to dealing with student loans and other debts.

Through this article, you will be provided with a basic overview about the benefits of a debt consolidation loan when it comes to your student loans and other accounts. This article is designed to provide you with a starting point in your contemplation of whether a debt consolidation loan is the right course for you, whether a debt consolidation loan will solve your problems.

If you have fallen behind on your student loans, you likely are facing higher interest rates and penalties. Of course, you're not alone, many people have ended up in your position. One of the benefits associated with a debt consolidation loan is that you will be able to lower the interest rates, fees, penalties and other related costs associated with your student loans and other debts. You really can end up saving a good deal of money through a debt consolidation loan plan.

By seeking a debt consolidation loan for your student loans, you will only have to deal with one monthly payment as opposed to multiple loan payments that you historically had to manage month after month. You will no longer have the hassle of trying to deal with multiple loans, and multiple loans that are past due.

By obtaining a debt consolidation loan for your student loans and other debts you will be able to work towards restoring your credit history, increase your credit score and better your credit report. If you have delinquent student loans, this has had a negative impact on your credit history and credit score. Through getting a debt consolidation loan you will be able to bring you accounts and loans current. Your credit history and credit score will improve significantly, opening other important doors for you in the future.

There are a number of different lenders that can aid and assist you with a debt consolidation loan as you go about working a plan to deal with your student loans and other debts and accounts. You can obtain help from these resources both in the real world and online. You will want to shop around when it comes to selecting a debt consolidation loan lender that can aid you in dealing with your student loan and other debt issues. Because different debt consolidation loan lenders will offer different deals and interest rates, you will be best served by taking the time to find a debt consolidation loan package that will best meet your current and long term goals.

About the Author:
Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides debt consolidation information and solutions. Find out how you can effectively get your finances under control with the best Debt Consolidation Loan.
Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Understand the Finances Involved in Your Student Loan

by Robert Carlton

If you have a number of outstanding student loans, you may want to consider student loan debt consolidation. You will eliminate having many bills to pay on your student loans, and the total monthly payments can be significantly reduced as compared to the normal ten year payback option. A special program called FFEL (Federal Family Education Loan Program) allows commercial institutions, such as credit union, banks and other lenders to grant debt consolidation loans for the purpose of consolidating educational debt. In addition, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program allows for the federal government to grant student debt consolidation loans.

The majority of federal education loans can be included in these programs, whether or not they are loans that have been subsidized by the government. These include the FFEL Stafford loans, Health Education Assistance Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and SLS. Note that private education loans are not eligible for the debt consolidation programs.

If you need to find out whether your loan is eligible for a student loan debt consolidation, you should contact the appropriate Direct Loan Origination Center, Loan Consolidation Department. For instance, if you have a FFEL loan, contact a participating FFEL lender if you are interested in consolidating a FFEL loan.

You can apply for an educational debt consolidation loan even while you are still in school, as well as once you have graduated, left school without graduating, or reduced your student hours to half time enrollment or below. If you have all of your student loans with one FFEL lender, you have to obtain your student consolidation loan from that same FFEL lender, except in the cases where the terms of an income sensitive loan are unacceptable. If you want to be considered for the William D. Ford "Direct Student Loan Debt Consolidation Loan", you have to already have a Stafford student loan (subsidized or unsubsidized) that will be included in the loan consolidation, or have at least one FFEL program Stafford loan to be included in it. Again, this can be subsidized or unsubsidized.

How do you go about choosing an unsecured debt consolidation program? The first step to take is to meet with a professional to advise you. He or she may be called a debt relief specialist, settlement specialist or client services representative. This person will answer your questions about the loan. The main thing about a debt consolidation loan is that it is intended to assist you, not make things better for your creditors. The company you are working with will handle the negotiations; they are all finance and debt professionals. This may not be the program for you, but it is worth looking at, and there are many unsecured debt consolidation programs that you can find out about, either by calling or by checking online.

About the Author:
Being very excited about managing money, Robert Carlton has been authoring a variety of newsletters on the topic. Writing for reports, the writer showed his capability on areas corresponding to personal loan to consolidate debt.

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Students Consider the Cost with the Federal Family Education Loan Program

by Jeff Mictabor

The College Student Relief Act (H.R. 5), recently approved in the U.S. House of Representatives, currently is awaiting approval by the Senate. The act, which proponents claim will benefit taxpayers, may not have the impact that backers claim. Essentially, H.R. 5 encourages schools via incentives to go with the government's Direct Lending Program over the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP).

This is being pushed even though the Direct Lending Program has been operating at a deficit since 1997. Currently, the Direct Lending Program only has $89 billion in student loans, but owes the government $105 billion, a shortfall of $16 billion. Opponents of H.R. 5 are concerned, as they realize that taxpayers ultimately will end up picking up the $16 billion tab.

FFELP Saves Students Thousands

The FFELP, established by Congress more than 40 years ago, allows students to choose lenders based upon such criteria as customer service, incentives such as interest rate reduction, and other factors. Private lenders, including savings and loans, credit unions and banks, provide federally secured low interest student loans for college students that include: Parent Student Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), Graduate PLUS Student Loans, Federal Subsidized Stafford Student Loans, Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loans, and the Federal Student Loan Consolidation Program.

Through subsidies provided by the federal government, private lenders pass on savings to students in the form of student loan incentives. These benefits form the basis of competition in the student loan industry, offering potential savings of thousands over the course of a student's loan in order to win a borrower's business. When private lenders compete within the context of the FFELP, students win with greater savings. For instance, NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company, provides a 1 percent LOCKED interest rate reduction once a borrower has made 36 on-time consecutive payments, one of the most aggressive benefits in the industry.

College Student Relief Act Doubles Costs

If the College Student Relief Act becomes law, students may be adversely affected. It will cut in half the subsidies paid to FFELP lenders, effectively doubling the cost required to service these student loans. Over time this will reduce the number of FFELP lenders, and ELIMINATE competition. This will negatively affect customer service, information about financial aid, and benefits passed on to students through student loan incentives.

Many students and their parents until recently were not aware of the adverse effects of the College Student Relief Act. Some have decided to take action, and, in essence, fight for their rights to save by contacting their senators, and asking them to vote against H.R. 5. Find your senators' contact information here: Every little bit helps to protect the integrity of quality financial aid in the United States.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about student loans and student loan consolidation at

About the Author:
Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.


by Deepak Bansal

Loans are of different types and Student Loans are one of them. One can apply for this kind of program for short term as well for long-term period. With this kind of loan one can complete his education. Usually people apply for this kind of program for higher education purpose! These days Refinance Student Loan is becoming widely popular among many people!

Student Loans are of several types i.e. School educational loans, higher educational loans and so on. Therefore people can apply for the same as per their educational requirement. There are many banks that are providing Refinance Student Loan, but it is always best to visit safe and reputed place.

Students can themselves apply for Refinance Student Loan. To apply the student needs to fill in an application form and provide certain documents to the bank, which would be examined carefully by the lender. The best thing about such Refinance Loans is that the student can make the repayment of the loan after he has finished his studies and has got a good job.

With Refinance Student Loan the students can have a good future, provided they have the ability to make the repayment on time. The refinanced loan amount can be paid back either together or in monthly installments as per the banks terms and conditions. The payment mode may differ thus one should do a proper research about the same.

About the Author:
Deepak Bansal is an internet marketing consultant having experience of 4.5 years in search engine optimization industry. We are specialist in search engine optimization, link building, internet marketing, copyrighting and content development. This article is written by content writing team of - Search Engine Optimization

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

What to Keep In Mind While Opting For College Student Car Loans?

by Kevin

Each and every individual weaves dreams for his child. They work for accomplishment of their dreams right from the time of birth of his child. However, with ever increasing cost of education and many other expenses, it is becoming all the more complicated to pay for college expenses. For instance, you may be looking for some source of finance to buy a car. At that point of time, college student car loans can prove to be of much help. Let us get to know all the relevant details about college student car loans.

College student car loans not merely understand your requirement, but, your delinquencies of being a student and thus offer you the most flexible terms and conditions. The rate of interest for college student loans is nominal. However, with proper search you can surely find college student car loans at competitive rates with flexible terms and conditions.

College student car loans are available to people with bad credit history and even to those, who have no credit record. College student car loans cater you enough time to become self dependant and then repay the loan amount. It is advised to keep the living expenses, as low as, possible. There are a large number of ways, in which students can keep their debts low. Apart from college student car loans, they can take up part time employment. College student car loans are there for secured, as well as, unsecured basis. Thus, you can opt for the loan option that will suit your financial status and need.

In terms of borrowing, it is advisable to borrow college student car loans up to a limit, which you need and can repay easily. A loan is a financial obligation and you have to repay it, in any case. For college student car loans, you can search various online sources. There you will find a large number of lenders, offering loans at nominal rates. All you need to do is compare and contrast well the quotes, offered by different lenders to crack the best deal.
About the Author:
Kevin Clark is a financial analyst at Student Car Loans. In recent years he has taken up to provide independent financial advice through his informative articles. To find College student car loans, USA college student car loans, Cheap student car loans visit

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Managing Your Money And Your Student Loans

by Rob Carlton

If you have a number of outstanding student loans, you may want to consider student loan debt consolidation. You will eliminate having many bills to pay on your student loans, and the total monthly payments can be significantly reduced as compared to the normal ten year payback option. A special program called FFEL (Federal Family Education Loan Program) allows commercial institutions, such as credit union, banks and other lenders to grant debt consolidation loans for the purpose of consolidating educational debt. In addition, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program allows for the federal government to grant student debt consolidation loans.

The majority of federal education loans can be included in these programs, whether or not they are loans that have been subsidized by the government. These include the FFEL Stafford loans, Health Education Assistance Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and SLS. Note that private education loans are not eligible for the debt consolidation programs.

If you need to find out whether your loan is eligible for a student loan debt consolidation, you should contact the appropriate Direct Loan Origination Center, Loan Consolidation Department. For instance, if you have a FFEL loan, contact a participating FFEL lender if you are interested in consolidating a FFEL loan.

You can apply for an educational debt consolidation loan even while you are still in school, as well as once you have graduated, left school without graduating, or reduced your student hours to half time enrollment or below. If you have all of your student loans with one FFEL lender, you have to obtain your student consolidation loan from that same FFEL lender, except in the cases where the terms of an income sensitive loan are unacceptable. If you want to be considered for the William D. Ford "Direct Student Loan Debt Consolidation Loan", you have to already have a Stafford student loan (subsidized or unsubsidized) that will be included in the loan consolidation, or have at least one FFEL program Stafford loan to be included in it. Again, this can be subsidized or unsubsidized.

How do you go about choosing an unsecured debt consolidation program? The first step to take is to meet with a professional to advise you. He or she may be called a debt relief specialist, settlement specialist or client services representative. This person will answer your questions about the loan. The main thing about a debt consolidation loan is that it is intended to assist you, not make things better for your creditors. The company you are working with will handle the negotiations; they are all finance and debt professionals. This may not be the program for you, but it is worth looking at, and there are many unsecured debt consolidation programs that you can find out about, either by calling or by checking online.

About the Author:
Robert Carlton writes articles for the most part for , an online site about finance . His comments on personal loan to consolidate debt can be found on his website .

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Federal Family Education Loan Consolidation Helps Students Save

by Jeff Mictabor

The Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) helps students and their families save money by bundling multiple student loans into a single student loan, locking in the new student loan at a low interest rate and offering benefits in the form of interest rate reductions. H.R. 5, a bill recently passed by the House of Representatives and now being debated in the senate, will have a negative impact on Federal Consolidation Loans if it is approved by the senate and becomes law.

This legislation doubles the fees paid by FFELP lenders to provide federal student loans, which may eliminate the incentive benefits offered by FFELP lenders. It also encourages colleges to participate in the Direct Lending Program, which does not offer many interest rate reduction benefits to students when they do a student loan consolidation on their student loans.

Loss of Benefits Costs Students

According to NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company, over the past three years, 4,653,000 students consolidated their federal student loans through FFELP lenders. As result of the interest rate reductions offered by FFELP lenders, such as NextStudent, a borrower who consolidated $30,000 last year could save $3,513 more than a borrower who consolidated with the Direct Lending Program. Additionally, a medical student could save more than $47,512 over the life of his or her student loan by consolidating with FFELP. These would be the savings lost if the current legislation becomes law.

Student Loan Consolidation Locks In Interest Rates

Federal student loan consolidation is free of charge and can lower monthly payments by up to 60 percent. Also, there are no prepayment penalties. NextStudent offers some of the most aggressive benefits in the industry including a discount of .25 percent for Auto-Debit and a 1 percent LOCKED interest rate reduction after the first 36 on-time payments. These benefits can save borrowers thousands of dollars over the life of their consolidated student loan.

Other packages include the Google Package: a discount of .25 percent for Auto-Debit, a .375 percent discount after six months of on-time payments and a 1 percent discount after 36 on-time payments (not locked). The 2% Package features a discount of .25 percent for Auto-Debit and a 2 percent discount after 36 on-time payments (not locked).

Qualify over the phone in as little as five minutes. NextStudent's personally assigned Education Finance Advisors will walk you through the student loan consolidation process from start to finish.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about Student Loans and Student Loan Consolidation at

About the Author:
Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Student Debt Consolidation Loan Better Option for Student

by Alex Jonnes

Education has become too expensive and we have taken out loans to meet expenses on education. After sometime these loans are unmanageable, because these are in large numbers. For this situation, student debt consolidation loan is particularly constructed for people like you.

Student debt consolidation loan is available to solve private college debt consolidation loan. The student debt consolidation loan is available with lot of advantages such as, you have to pay much lower interest, until you paid off borrowed amount, your monthly installment is lowered, flexible repayment option with no extra charges etc.

Student debt consolidation loan can also be availed for bad credit students who have suffered lack of attendance. This thing shows that lenders do not keen interested to provide loans to bad credit borrower that is why, they imposes higher interest rate compared to good credit borrower. But, you can get student debt consolidation loan at lower interest rate after selecting good lender and whose quotes are suitable for you.

Student debt consolidation loan can be availed in both forms secured and unsecured student debt consolidation loan. Secured student debt consolidation loan can be availed by placing your asset as collateral. Due to presence of collateral, lenders have less risk that is why he provides loan at lower interest rate. In unsecured student debt consolidation loan, you have no need to provide asset as collateral. Available within least time, because collateral is not required for valuation. A good option for tenants and pg students

Before taking student debt consolidation loan make strong plan regarding repayment and follow it. It will help to improve your credit history. Lenders also give you option that if you fail to make repayment, then you have to pay late charge and can continue your repayments.

Now, you have no need to face too many hurdles before choosing student debt consolidation loan, because online method is available for you. Through this method, you can avail loan within least time.

About the Author:
Alex Jonnes is associated with Advise On Easy Debt Consolidation Loan. To find Student Debt Consolidation Loan, Debt consolidation loan, Bad credit debt consolidation, Debt Consolidation Loan Online visit

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Solving Educational Problems at the World's Most Recent Personal and Professional Problem Solving Site

by Adolf Agbormbai, PhD

The aim of this article is to introduce to the world the educational solutions module ( of the world's most recent personal and professional problem solving site ( The article is addressed to those readers who may have an educational problem bogging them and who may therefore be looking for a way out of their predicament. The reader may be a parent, child, or student.

The approach that we have adopted below is to describe competitive offerings, the customer profile, problem-oriented solutions, target markets, product offerings, and usability features.

Competitive Offerings

The following are the top educational sites on the Internet, along with their offerings.

US Department of Education ( It defines the US education policy and provides information on financial aid, educational research and statistics, grants and contracts, and teaching and learning resources.

Educational Testing Service. It provides a range of test resources. ( It provides educational games for K-8 kids. ( It provides fun learning tools and games for kids. GEM ( It provides educational resources such as lesson plans and other teaching and learning resources.

Education World ( It provides advice on lesson plans, professional development, and technology integration.

NASA Education Enterprise ( It provides educational materials and information relating to space exploration. Spartacus Educational ( It is a British online encyclopedia that focuses on historical topics.

Department for Education and Skills ( It is a UK government department site that offers information and advice on various educational and skills topics. Times Educational Supplement ( It offers teaching news, teaching & educational resources, and active forums to help UK teachers. All these sites are useful in the domains that they cover. Their main limitations are as follows:

1. They tend to cover only a very narrow segment of the educational market.

2. They do not take as their starting point the daily educational needs of the typical family.

3. They lack a problem focus; i.e., they do not formulate the typical learning and educational problems that pupils, students, and parents face on a daily basis.

4. As a result of the preceding point, the solutions offered are not as incisive (i.e. as problem-centred) as they could be.

5. They do not offer merchant products that deepen the visitor's understanding of her problem and of the consequent solutions.

The educational solutions module ( of the world's most recent personal and professional problem solving site ( addresses these problems by targeting a multiplicity of market segments, adopting a customer profile that fits the typical education-pursuing family, considering the specific needs or problems that this family may face, offering incisive (problem-centred) solutions to the various problems, and offering a range of merchant products that deepen the visitor's appreciation of her problems and of the solutions that are applicable to them.

Customer Profile

The customer profile or target visitor characteristics of the educational solutions module ( is the same as for all specialist sites of the world's most recent personal and professional problem solving site ( The site has been designed to meet the needs of visitors who have an educational problem bogging them.

It is designed for both males and females, even though it is often convenient to refer to just one sex when writing.

This visitor uses search engines to research information about her personal or professional problem, with the intention of finding solutions to it. The visitor is serious about solving her problem and is therefore willing to buy products that help her to achieve her mission, provided that she can find reliable and honest information about relevant products so that she can make an informed decision about which ones to acquire. This information will help her to apply her finances economically, and hence avoid wasting money.

The visitor will want a money-back guarantee so that if a product does not live up to expectations or if she were misled into buying a product she can get a refund. Such a guarantee absolves her of purchase risks.

The visitor is intelligent (without necessarily being a genius), educated (without necessarily being a PhD), computer literate (without necessarily being a computer guru), and money-minded (without necessarily being a freebie hunter or an unemployed person). This of course does not mean that freebie hunters or unemployed persons cannot gain a thing from the site. To the contrary, there is a great deal of free information on the site. Just that it is hard to see how anyone can gain the full benefits of the site without buying products.

The visitor wants high quality information products (usually in digital form) and wants to pay the cheapest price for these (without paying so much emphasis on price that she compromises quality). The visitor also wants free bonus offers that are attached to the purchased goods.

The visitor is self-reliant and can cope on her own by reading, digesting, and applying advice about her problem until she solves it or discovers that she needs help from a professional, at which point her acquired knowledge will help her to reduce her consulting fees. As a result of the knowledge gained, the visitor will be able to assess consultants in order to avoid incompetent or fraudulent ones.

Problem-Centred Solutions

Our free solutions are organised in the form of pragmatic articles that are written by top experts. Each article addresses a specific daily problem, but does not go into detail. It explains the problem and tells the visitor what she must do to solve her problem. However, it does not tell the visitor how she must solve it - this is too much for an article. To find out about the how, the visitor must buy a product (usually an e-book or e-book set) that goes into greater depth.

The set of educational articles that we have chosen, to provide initial solution to a visitor's problem are as follows:

Signs of a Gifted Child ( - Informs parents on how to identify whether or not their children are gifted.

Essential Parenting Lessons for Enriching Your Child's Education ( - Teaches parents how to enhance their child's education.

Using Positive Affirmations to Be a Better Student ( - Teaches students how to use positive affirmations to improve their performance.

They Are Just Afraid of Writing ( - Teaches writing skills to students

How Can Parents Encourage Their Children to Read? ( - Shows parents how they can improve their children's reading skills.

Test Preparation Tutoring ( - Discusses the topic of tutoring students to prepare for tests or exams.

Test Taking Strategies ( - Discusses various strategies for taking and passing tests or exams

Playing and Winning the Scholarship Game ( -
Describes how to win scholarships.

How to Get a Scholarship to a UK University ( - Describes how to win scholarships to a UK university.

Saving Money for College ( - Instructs students on how they can save money in preparation for college.

Student Loans: When Your Educational Dreams Can't Compete with the Cost ( - Explains to students the benefits of a student loan.

Education Loans Can Fund a Higher Degree to Boost Your Career ( - Also explains to students the benefits of a student loan.

The Secret to US Department of Education Loans ( - Teaches students how to get a US DoE loan to finance their higher education.

Student Loan Consolidation - Save Money, Pay Less, Spend More ( - Explains to graduates how to make use of loan consolidation to reduce their student loan repayments.

Higher Education: Finding the Right College for You ( -
Explains to students how to find the right college or university for their higher education studies.

Mobile Learning - An Alternative Worth Considering ( - Explains the concept of mobile learning and its place in education.

Online Degrees - Is Online Education Right for You? ( - Analyses the merits of online learning as compared to traditional learning.

An Online College Education Overview ( - Reviews the whole concept of online learning.

Finding the Right Quotation for Your Paper or Speech Online ( - Shows writers and speakers how to find the right quotation to use in their writings or speeches.

Collaboration: An Important Leadership Development Skill ( - Explores the useful concept of collaboration and its role in leadership development.

At the end of each article is a list of merchant products that supplement the article's content. A link is also included for accessing the educational product catalogue (
Target Markets and Product Offerings

Now let us turn to the target markets and their associated product offerings. We have positioned the segments to address the various needs of a visitor over a period of time, and at any given time a customer may belong to one or more of the market segments. There are three general classes of products offered: ClickBank products (, Google products, and eBay products. Google and eBay products are presented on each page of the site.
ClickBank products are grouped into product categories that match the target markets. These categories and their markets are as follows.

Children and Parenting. This consists of visitors who want parenting solutions for improving their children's upbringing. Their needs are met through the Children and
Parenting section of the educational product catalogue (

Difficult Admissions. This consists of visitors who want to learn how to get admission into top universities. Their needs are met through the Difficult

Admissions section of the educational product catalogue (

Esoteric Needs. This consists of visitors with unusual needs. Their needs are met through the Esoteric Needs section of the educational product catalogue (

Financial Aid. This consists of visitors looking for scholarships, grants, or loans. Their needs are met through the Financial Aid section of the educational product catalogue (

Leadership Skills. This consists of visitors looking to develop their leadership skills. Their needs are met through the Leadership Skills section of the educational product catalogue (

Learning. This consists of visitors who want to improve their learning ability. Their needs are met through the Learning section of the educational product catalogue (

Mental Speed. This consists of visitors who want to explode their mental speed. Their needs are met through the Mental Speed section of the educational product catalogue (

Positive Affirmations. This consists of visitors who want to transform their negative dispositions into a positive mindset in order to improve their performance.

Their needs are met through the Positive Affirmations section of the educational product catalogue (

Speaking. This consists of visitors looking to improve their speaking skills. Their needs are met through the Speaking section of the educational product catalogue (

Tests and Exams. This consists of visitors looking to master exam technique. Their needs are met through the Tests and Exams section of the educational product catalogue (

Writing. This consists of visitors looking to improve their writing skills. Their needs are met through the Writing section of the educational product catalogue (


This article has introduced the educational solutions module ( of the world's most recent personal and professional problem solving site ( The article has examined competitive offerings, the target customer profile, problem-oriented solutions, target markets, and product offerings. It concludes that the module is a major contribution to the information superhighway.
About the Author:
A A Agbormbai is the editor and webmaster of the world's most recent personal and professional problem solving site ( - a web site that fills a vacuum on the Net. He has a PhD from Imperial College London and enjoys an interdisciplinary upbringing having worked or studied in aerospace engineering, information systems development, and management. The educational solutions module (

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Student Debt Consolidation Loan Better Option for Student

by Alex Jonnes

Education has become too expensive and we have taken out loans to meet expenses on education. After sometime these loans are unmanageable, because these are in large numbers. For this situation, student debt consolidation loan is particularly constructed for people like you.

Student debt consolidation loan is available to solve private college debt consolidation loan. The student debt consolidation loan is available with lot of advantages such as, you have to pay much lower interest, until you paid off borrowed amount, your monthly installment is lowered, flexible repayment option with no extra charges etc.

Student debt consolidation loan can also be availed for bad credit students who have suffered lack of attendance. This thing shows that lenders do not keen interested to provide loans to bad credit borrower that is why, they imposes higher interest rate compared to good credit borrower. But, you can get student debt consolidation loan at lower interest rate after selecting good lender and whose quotes are suitable for you.

Student debt consolidation loan can be availed in both forms secured and unsecured student debt consolidation loan. Secured student debt consolidation loan can be availed by placing your asset as collateral. Due to presence of collateral, lenders have less risk that is why he provides loan at lower interest rate. In unsecured student debt consolidation loan, you have no need to provide asset as collateral. Available within least time, because collateral is not required for valuation. A good option for tenants and pg students

Before taking student debt consolidation loan make strong plan regarding repayment and follow it. It will help to improve your credit history. Lenders also give you option that if you fail to make repayment, then you have to pay late charge and can continue your repayments.

Now, you have no need to face too many hurdles before choosing student debt consolidation loan, because online method is available for you. Through this method, you can avail loan within least time.

About the Author:
Alex Jonnes is associated with Advise On Easy Debt Consolidation Loan. To find Student Debt Consolidation Loan, Debt consolidation loan, Bad credit debt consolidation, Debt Consolidation Loan Online visit

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

What Benefits Do Student Loan Payment Calculators Carry?

by Joel Cohen

Student Loan Payment Calculators are designed to help students calculate their debt and choose the most suitable student loan repayment plan according to the results. The Student is asked to enter some information like the interest rate offered, the debt owed and the future income that will pay off the student loan debt. Some student loan payment calculators are more complex than others, giving the student loan detailed information about his future payments and the annual income needed to repay the debt.

Calculating the Best Student Loan Repayment Plan

When time comes to repay your Student Loans, you might find yourself facing a crossroad. What to do? Which repayment plan is the best? Many questions might come to mind, when time comes and you need to choose a student loan repayment plan. Using a student loan payment calculator will help you choose the best plan for you. Choosing the best repayment plan doesn't necessarily mean selecting the repayment plan offering the lowest interest rate. A repayment plan should be one you will feel comfortable working with and will not create financial pressure.

You may do the calculation yourself however; an online student loan payment calculator will prove to come in handy. The fact that you can know how much money you will need annually to repay private student loans or any other type of loan, is very helpful. Once you know how much money you need to repay the debt and you have an estimate of your salary, only then you can make an educated decision

Payment Calculators for Student Loan Consolidation Programs

A student loan consolidation program is a loan that students apply for, in order to cover existing student loan debts. There are different funnels you can take when looking into consolidating student loan debt and a student loan payment calculator will once again help here. When consolidating loan you will need to know the fixed rate you are offered and if the consolidation loan is worth at all compared to the standard repayment plans. Those who have obtained private loans for bad credit rated students can also calculate their debt and decide whether to consolidate their loans or not.

As you understand there are many online student loans repayment plans available be sure to do research before applying for a program.

About the Author:
Our Online Guide to Personal Finance Budgeting will help you do your research. Visit us for more student loans information

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

Finding the Best Student Loan Repayment Plan and Avoiding Scams

by Joel Cohen

A flexible student loan repayment plan is known to be one of the most important ingredients a beneficial student loan has to offer. Whether a federal student loan or private one is considered by the borrower, a student loan payment calculator will be very useful for comparing different repayment plans.

So Many Repayment Plans, Which One to Choose? When applying for a private student loan the most important issue to remember is making sure the student loan repayment plan is the most comfortable for you. Some borrowers will want to choose a shorter repayment plan. They take in to consideration that the interest will be lower and they will be able to pay back the loan in a short period of time.

Student loan consolidation programs are usually not part of a student loan repayment plan when still attending college. If found in a debt situation after graduation and you are still having trouble paying back the student loans, a student loan debt consolidation can be a good way to eliminate debt and improve bad credit.

Good Repayment Plans for Students with Bad Credit Ratings?

The vast majority of bad credit student private loans have flexible repayment plans. They have to! If they won't they will be out of business due to the competitive market nowadays. The rates, on the other hand, are high compared to the bad credit federal student loans.

Student Loan Repayment Tip: Choose a repayment plan based on the interest rate. Get the lowest interest rate with the longest repayment period. When grace period arrives, consolidate your loans by joining a student loan consolidation program. Most likely, you will be offered a new student loan repayment plan and much better than the original one!

As you understand there are many affordable student loans repayment plans available, be sure to do research before applying for a program.

About the Author:
Our Online Guide to Personal Finance Budgeting can help you do your research. Visit us for more student loans tips

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.